Our Client Work Brief

Our Help Desk Management System is enriched with most modern features, so as to make the user manage all the things in help desk management. The specialty includes all the controls in-order to make the process of Call Registration, Engineer Assignment, Service Scheduling, Service History and Verification/ approval much easier. Email support is provided at most of the stages.User roles of various levels can be defined with which access privilege can be made / denied.

Engineer-wise Dashboard

Engineer wise Dash Board represents the finest way to evaluate the contribution made by each and every service Engineers allocated among various client sides. It also represents a measure of the level of customer satisfaction.

Call Register / New Tickets

New calls can be registered either as a service or enquiry. Enquiries will not be processed further. A reference number will be provided for each call. The details of call register includes contact ref no, caller name, contact details the business type and the status of each call.

The helpdesk users can enter a detailed report of the service requested from customer and any other remarks. Response and resolution time will be provided for the same. The user is given the privilege to decide whether to send a mail or not to the customers email address.

Helpdesk Home

Call Register

Attendance Mgmnt


Engineer Assignment / Manage Tickets

The registered calls are analyzed by the team of experts and then assistance/service will be provided at the respective venue and for respective machinery . Service History indicated the details of service provided by the Smart Vision Team.

TM Review / Review Tickets

Verification of the service reports submitted by the service engineers are periodically updated by authorized people and cross checked for customer satisfaction. Reassignment of tasks are performed for all services poorly rated by customer. The root cause for all bad impressions created will be deeply checked in order to guarantee, such issues not to happen again. The primary concern of Smart Vision is nothing other than customer satisfaction.

Upload Documents

SRS, Work report and other authorizations letters can be uploaded at each and every stage with the most modern techniques provided by Smart Vision Help Desk Management System.

Service Approval

The authority could cross check the customer feedback by directly contacting them. If found unsatisfactory, authority can set it as Not Satisfied and even if required authority has the power to re assign the task to another engineer or the same engineer.

HD Dashboard

This particular dash board makes the authority evaluate the call details as per engineer and customers. This can be used for performance evaluation of employees too.

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